Choir offers to sing at Queen's jubilee celebration events in Derbyshire town

The choir singing at Bakewell's Day of Dance.The choir singing at Bakewell's Day of Dance.
The choir singing at Bakewell's Day of Dance.
A Derbyshire choir has put out a patriotic appeal in its town to organisers of events celebrating the Queen’s 70th jubilee.

Bakewell and District Community Choir’s musical director Lester Simpson said: “Seventy years on the throne is a marvellous achievement, and we’d like to lend our voices to any celebrations being planned to mark this historic anniversary.”

The choir, now in its sixth year, is happy to be meeting back in Bakewell Town Hall every Wednesday from 7.30-9.30pm.

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Lester said the choir had been very pleased to welcome several new singers recently, and numbers were almost back to pre-pandemic levels. “It’s a joy to be getting on with learning some new songs, plus some old favourites,” he added.

The Jubilee singsong in Bakewell is just one of the events being planned by the choir for the coming year. Also pencilled in so far are:

• A singing summer picnic, venue to confirmed;

• This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ralph Vaughan Williams, and the choir is looking at ways of incorporating his collected folk songs into a concert;

• Looking ahead to next winter, it is hoped the choir can be involved in the Parish Church’s Christmas Tree Festival again.

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Lester Simpson said: “We have a busy year ahead and we are always happy to welcome new singers. No audition is required, so no need to be shy. If you fancy a good singsong, why not try us out?”

If you are interested in joining the choir, contact choir organiser John McGough, tel 07972 717279 or Lester Simpson, tel. 07951 390789.