Time to get behind the players, says Chesterfield boss after two defeats

Martin AllenMartin Allen
Martin Allen
Chesterfield boss Martin Allen said the lack of a midweek game had given the managerial team a chance to review the season so far.

The Spireites have lost successive matches after winning their opening three.

On Saturday they come up against Barnet, Allen’s former club, who were relegated at the end of last season along with Chesterfield.

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Allen said: “It has given us an opportunity to sit down as a staff and review everything that we have done.

“I have had to remind people that up to last Tuesday we had won three games with no goals conceded.

“Then all of a sudden we played well in two games (but lost). You don’t just throw everything out,

“They (the players) are doing all right. These are good players.

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“Now is the time to get behind them even more and help them iron out those areas where perhaps we could have done a bit better.

“They are a good bunch of lads and I am really looking forward to Saturday.”

Allen also praised the backing he has received since coming to the club in the summer.

“There will be 5,000 here (at the Proact on Saturday) and yet I saw in the week there were games in League One getting 3,000 people.

“This place (the Proact) is going to be absolutely banging.

“I couldn’t believe the singing (of the Chesterfield fans) last week at Salford.

“What is going on is amazing. We did not expect it to be like this and we can’t thank people enough.”