Taking a trip back to the 1940s

Peak Rail 1940s weekend, singer Natasha Harper performing period songsPeak Rail 1940s weekend, singer Natasha Harper performing period songs
Peak Rail 1940s weekend, singer Natasha Harper performing period songs
Thousands flocked to an historic railway for a barrel of fun at a 1940s weekend.

Peak Rail held its 13th annual 1940s weekend at its base in Rowsley.

The event saw crowds of people dressed in their most dapper vintage outfits to celebrate the era of ‘make do and mend’.

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“It’s all about how civilians and troops survived in wartime,” Jackie Statham, joint managing director of Peak Rail, said.

“We had a reenactment battle featuring reenactors dressed as German, British, Russian and American troops.”

The reenactment was based on a railway yard on the western side of the Rhine in 1945 and showed a battle between German and Allied Forces.

“We had pyrotechnics going off so it sounded like bombs, and the reenactors had guns with blanks,” Jackie added.

“It was very much like a film show.”

There was also 1940s–themed entertainment on offer including a George Formby look–alike and singing, as well as stalls selling memorabilia and wartime displays.