Chesterfield couple to hold a charity ball in memory of their twins

Liam Sutcliffe and Katy LangLiam Sutcliffe and Katy Lang
Liam Sutcliffe and Katy Lang
A Chesterfield couple who lost their identical twin girls to the devastating condition TTTS (Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome) are holding a charity ball in their memory.

Katy Lang and Liam Sutcliffe were thrilled to discover they were expecting twins at their 12-week scan. It came as a complete shock, but the couple were excited for the future.

Katy said: “We were then told about the possibility of TTTS.

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“We’d never heard of it before and were not given much information at that time. We were told there were no signs so look out for.

“I suffered some discomfort a few days before the 18 weeks scan, but just put that down to being pregnant with twins.”

Sadly, this was the scan which showed the twins had stage 4 TTTS, the most severe.

Rushed to Birmingham Women’s Hospital under the care of Professor Mark Kilby, Katy and Liam were told more about TTTS and what could be done to try to get the best outcome for the twins.

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Professor Kilby carried out laser ablation which seals shut the blood vessels between the twins and excess amniotic fluid is drained away.

Katy said: “Professor Kilby explained all the risks involved but it was never an option for us not to have the procedure, we wanted to give our twins every possible chance of survival.

“We drove home the same day and hoped for the best, but sadly my waters broke that night.

“We were desperate to get to 24 weeks, but the twins were born sleeping.”

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Katy and Liam’s baby girls Hallie and Harper were born sleeping at 19 weeks and three days.

Now the couple want to do something positive in their memory and raise awareness of TTTS.

The charity ball takes place on Saturday, January 25, at the Peak Edge Hotel in Chesterfield.

Tickets are £30 which includes a hot buffet and there will be entertainment on the night, an auction and a raffle.

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If you would like to attend or are a local company and could donate a prize, please contact Katy and Liam on [email protected].

The money raised will be split between Twins Trust,, and Joel: The Complete Package,