Man stopped by armed officers in Chesterfield is jailed for 27 years for shooting ex partner in the face

Tyrone Harvey shot his former partner with a converted handgun loaded with home-made ammunitionTyrone Harvey shot his former partner with a converted handgun loaded with home-made ammunition
Tyrone Harvey shot his former partner with a converted handgun loaded with home-made ammunition
A 32-year-old man who shot his ex-partner in the face has been jailed for 27 years.

Tyrone Harvey shot his former partner with a converted handgun loaded with home-made ammunition at her home in Warren Street, Derby, on Monday 11 January 2021.

This occurred a day before the victim was due in court to apply for a non-molestation order, which would have restricted him contacting the victim.

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In the early hours of Monday 11 January Harvey went to her home and, after a short argument, shot his 34-year-old victim in the face with a small black handgun.

The ball bearing shattered her cheekbone and lodged in her face requiring surgery to remove it.

Enquiries were made to locate the car Harvey used to leave the area.

The car was subsequently stopped by armed officers in the Chesterfield area. He was found to have a black firearm magazine, a blank firing round, the instruction for a blank firing pistol and a number of metal pellets.

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Harvey was remanded to prison and throughout the investigation he denied any part in the shooting forcing his victim to give evidence at court.

After a trial at Derby Crown Court the jury found Harvey, of Chattaway Street, Birmingham, guilty of attempted murder and he has been sentenced to 27 years in prison.

Detective Inspector Brian Bilby, who leads the team which investigated the incident, said: “Tyrone Harvey is a seriously dangerous individual who thought nothing of using extreme violence to try intimidate, control and harm his ex-partner.

“Instead, she used her voice to send him to prison for nearly three decades.

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“I cannot express my thanks enough to her for her strength and commitment that has meant that Tyrone Harvey will not see freedom for many years.

“Despite Harvey’s continued protestations of innocence, her testimony, which she delivered in person at court, ensured that the jury returned a guilty verdict.

“The judge, as part of his sentencing, found that the fact that the incident happened in a domestic setting between two former partners, was an aggravating factor that added extra weight to his sentence.

“I hope this sends a very clear message to any person who is suffering abuse of any kind in a relationship, or from a former partner. The courts will deliver substantial sentences for those found guilty and the police will thoroughly investigate reports of domestic abuse and violence.

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DI Bilby added: “I would also like to put on record my thanks to the investigation team. DS Tom Burton provided excellent supervision of the day to day investigation. The Officer in the Case, DC Greg Palfreyman completed a file submission to the CPS that was of the highest quality. They were assisted throughout by their colleagues on South Public Protection Unit. Their care and determination has helped ensure that Harvey no longer presents a danger to his ex-partner or any other member of the public.”

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