Man arrested after teenage girl glassed at Derbyshire nightclub

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A 25-year-old man has been arrested after a teenage girl was hit with a glass in a Belper nightclub.

Police and paramedics attended after it was reported an 18-year-old girl had been hit with glass at Corn Exchange in King Street.

The incident happened at 1.50am on Sunday, August 18.

A 25-year-old Belper man has been arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent following the incident.

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The victim was taken to hospital for treatment – her injuries are not yet known, but but are not believed to be life-threatening.

A Derbyshire Police spokesman said: "We were called by EMAS colleagues to reports that an 18-year-old girl had been hit with a glass at the Corn Exchange nightclub in Belper at 1.50pm on Sunday, 18 August.

"The victim was taken to hospital for treatment – her injuries are not known at this time but are not life-threatening.

"A 25-year-old Belper man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of wounding with intent and has been bailed as enquiries continue.