Delight as Tupton Hall School celebrate GCSE results

Georgia Hagues-Stirk and Leah Harrison.Georgia Hagues-Stirk and Leah Harrison.
Georgia Hagues-Stirk and Leah Harrison.
Tupton Hall School students were rewarded for their hard work when they collected their eagerly awaited GCSE results.

With changes to the examination and grading system making it tougher for all, there was significant improvement in the percentage of students achieving both standard and strong passes in both Mathematics and English. In addition, the overall progress made by all students had improved on the previous year.

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Headteacher Mr Andrew Knowles said: "This group of students were hard working and committed to their learning. They worked well together and with the staff, leading to outstanding individual performances.

Georgia Hagues-Stirk and Leah Harrison.Georgia Hagues-Stirk and Leah Harrison.
Georgia Hagues-Stirk and Leah Harrison.

"Young people are not statistics, and so we are delighted that so many of them have excellent results that reflect their ability, effort and commitment.

"They have been well prepared by our committed and skilful staff to whom I am grateful for their conscientious hard work in teaching, supporting and nurturing them throughout their time at the school."

One of the highest achieving girls was Sarah McGrogan who achieved nine top grades at either 9 or 8. She will go on to study A Levels in Spanish, English Language, Maths and Psychology at Tupton Hall Sixth Form. She said: "I was not expecting this at all. I think it’s down to the way I revised - using flash cards and revising effectively rather than just staring at a book. Revision sessions have also helped, as well as the support of my teachers."

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Jack Redman, who achieved eight grades 9 or 8 was another high flyer. He is going on to Tupton Hall Sixth Form where he will study French, Maths, Further Maths and Physics. On opening his envelope he said: "I'm absolutely speechless - it's unbelievable. I wasn't expecting many top grades at all, never mind this many." Jack was selected to attend a summer school at Cambridge University over the summer. Eventually he hopes to pursue a degree in engineering or Physics.

Jack Redman.Jack Redman.
Jack Redman.

Lucy Astell also did exceptionally well, achieving eight grades 8 or 9. She said: "I came along with two of my friends to collect my results. I was nervous but I knew I had worked hard and done my best. Studying for my GCSEs has taken up a lot of my free time doing things I like but it has paid off in the end." Lucy will take A Levels in Biology, English Literature, Geography and Physics at Tupton Hall Sixth Form next year.

Olivia Buckley did not allow a severe football concussion injury affect her success as she scored highly with nine grades 9 to 7. Her bravery and determination to do well shone through as she collected her results. Olivia, who collected her results with her mum, said: "I'm so happy. My head injury caused me a lot of trouble during the exam period but I battled through and didn’t let it stop me." Olivia's mum Sally said she was 'elated' on seeing the result of her daughter's hard work. She will do A Levels at Tupton Hall Sixth Form from September with the hope of continuing on to university.

Hard-working Reece Hewitt achieved five grade 9s and three grades 7 to 6. He was pleased and relieved to see his determination be rewarded. "I'm really happy with these grades and am looking forward to starting sixth form in September. I think the quality of teaching at Tupton Hall Sixth Form is really good, as is the range of subjects, so that's why I decided to go."

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Many students made impressive progress from their starting points on arrival from primary school. Amy Hoskin put her 7 grades 8 to 6 down to working hard at home and at school. She said: "I'm very appreciative of the strong relationship I've built with my teachers and grateful to my family for supporting me." Her advice to students doing GCSEs next year is to start revising early and to study small amounts at a time.

Lucy Astell, Camilla Sushill and Charlotte Kerry.Lucy Astell, Camilla Sushill and Charlotte Kerry.
Lucy Astell, Camilla Sushill and Charlotte Kerry.

Many students will continue their studies at Tupton Hall Sixth Form, which last week achieved excellent A Level results once again, placing the centre amongst the best in Derbyshire. Others are going to college to study vocational courses and apprenticeships.

Charlotte Kerry is embarking on a receptionist apprenticeship at a doctor’s surgery. She said: "I wanted to do something different, away from classroom learning. I’m looking forward to being busy and earing money while I work."

Meanwhile, Reon Randall's 7 grades 5 and above will help him to achieve his dream of beginning a career in the armed forces.

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Other students making outstanding progress from their Year 7 starting points:

Sam Stewardson 9 grades 8 - 6

Jack Spencer 6 grades 9-7

Jodie Burton 6 grades 9-7

Emma Wilbourne 9 grades 8-6

Jamie Cornish 6 grades 8-6

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